
The purpose of this note is to investigate two kinds of generating sets for an abelian group. It is well known that if an abelian group has a projective cover then it has a very special kind of generating set: a free basis. The idea of a projective cover of an abelian group is dual to that of a divisible hull when the divisible hull is defined as an essential injective extension. This note considers the dualization of two other equivalent definitions of a divisible hull. This yields the definitions of a q-cover and an i-cover. It is shown that an abelian group has a q-cover if and only if it has a minimum system of generators (in the sense of Khabbaz). It is also shown that the only torsion free abelian groups which have q-covers are the free groups and that the torsion subgroup of an abelian group has a q-cover if the group does. These two facts give rise to the suspicion that there is a direct connection between groups with q-covers and splitting groups; two examples are given which show that this suspicion is false. Finally it is shown that very many abelian groups have i-covers; included among these are all torsion free groups and all groups which have q-covers. Throughout this note all groups are abelian and the notation, for the most part, follows [1]. In particular: r(G) is the rank of G, r*(G) is the reduced rank of G, Gt is the torsion subgroup of G, Z is the additive group of integers and Zn is the integers mod n. A subgroup H of G is small in G if for any subgroup K of G, { H, K } = G implies K = G. DEFINITION (KHABBAZ [3 ]). A subset S of a group G is a minimum system of generators (abbreviated: M.s.g.) for G if {S} =G and no finite subset Si of S may be replaced by a smaller subset T of G in such a way that { (S-Si), T } = G. DEFINITION. A q-cover for a group G is a free group F together with an epimorphism 0 of F onto G such that for any proper direct summand F1 of F, 0 [F1 ] $ G. An i*-cover of G is a free group F together with an epimorphism 4 of F onto G such that if F1 is free, i1 an epimorphism of F1 onto G and ais a homomorphism of F into F1 such that 6Vo=4 then ois a monomorphism.

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