
AbstractThe well‐known Ramsey number is the smallest integer n such that every ‐free graph of order n contains an independent set of size u. In other words, it contains a subset of u vertices with no K2. Erdős and Rogers introduced a more general problem replacing K2 by for . Extending the problem of determining Ramsey numbers they defined the numbers urn:x-wiley:03649024:media:jgt21760:jgt21760-math-0005where the minimum is taken over all ‐free graphs G of order n. In this note, we study an analogous function for 3‐uniform hypergraphs. In particular, we show that there are constants c1 and c2 depending only on s such that urn:x-wiley:03649024:media:jgt21760:jgt21760-math-0008

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