
Abstract Hoffman (1968) introduced the notion of generalized line graphs. In 1985, Syslo and Topp studied which of these graphs have crossing number zero. For a nontrivial connected graph G, let L(G, v) denote the complete graph on the set of all edges incident to vertex v of G . For a function f : V(G) → N ∗ , the set of non-negative integers, let {CP(f(v)) : v ∈ V(G)} be the family of cocktail party graphs disjoint from each other and from G as well as L(G) . The generalized line graph L(G,f) of G is the graph: u v∈V(G) {L(G,v) + CP(f(v))}. It is easy to see that L ( G , f ) = L ( G ) if and only if f ( v ) = 0 for every v ∈ V(G) . In this paper we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for a generalized line graph to have crossing number 1. Our result gives a natural generalization of that for line graphs given by Kulli et al. (1979).

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