
Ammonoids from the basal beds of the Nerpalakh Formation (Lower Frasnian) of Belkovsky Island (New Siberian Archipelago) are systematically studied. Taxonomically, the assemblage studied (Manticoceras insulare sp. nov., Tornoceras typum (Sandberger, 1851), and T. contractum Glenister, 1958) is similar to the Early Frasnian ammonoid assemblage of South Timan, from which its is distinguished by the absence of the genera Timanites and Komioceras. The same beds contain conodonts of the Palmatolepis transitans Zone (= MN 4 Zone of the Montagne Noire standard succession), which allow the correlation of the beds studied with the Timanites keyserlingi and Komioceras stuckenbergi ammonoid zones of South Timan. The Early Frasnian ammonoids could supposedly have entered the region of the New Siberian Archipelago from the southwest at the time of a major transgression, which facilitated the distribution of the genera Manticoceras and Tornoceras. A new species of the genus Manticoceras is described.

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