
Theorem. Assume that there exists a standard model of ZFC + V = L. Then there is a model of ZFC in which the partial ordering of the degrees of constructibility of reals is isomorphic with a given finite lattice.The proof of the theorem uses forcing. The definition of the forcing conditions and the proofs of some of the lemmas are connected with Lerman's paper on initial segments of the upper semilattice of the Turing degrees [2]. As an auxiliary notion we shall introduce the notion of a sequential representation of a lattice, which slightly differs from Lerman's representation.Let K be a given finite lattice. Assume that the universe of K is an integer l. Let ≤K be the ordering in K. A sequential representation of K is a sequence Ui ⊆ Ui+1 of finite subsets of ωi such that the following holds:(1) For any s, s′ Є Ui, i Є ω, k, m Є l, k ≤Km & s(m) = s′(m) → s(k) = s′(k).(2) For any s Є Ui, i Є ω, s(0) = 0 where 0 is the least element of K.(3) For any s, s′ Є i Є ω, k,j Є l, if k y Kj = m and s(k) = s′(k) & s(j) = s′(j) → s(m) = s′(m), where vK denotes the join in K.

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