
Urban street networks of unplanned or self-organized cities typically exhibit astonishing scale-free patterns. This scale-freeness can be shown, within the maximum entropy formalism (MaxEnt), as the manifestation of a fluctuating system that preserves on average some amount of information. Monte Carlo methods that can further this perspective are cruelly missing. Here we adapt to self-organized urban street networks the Metropolis algorithm. The “coming to equilibrium” distribution is established with MaxEnt by taking scale-freeness as prior hypothesis along with symmetry-conservation arguments. The equilibrium parameter is the scaling; its concomitant extensive quantity is, assuming our lack of knowledge, an amount of information. To design an ergodic dynamics, we disentangle the state-of-the-art street generating paradigms based on non-overlapping walks into layout-at-junction dynamics. Our adaptation reminisces the single-spin-flip Metropolis algorithm for Ising models. We thus expect Metropolis simulations to reveal that self-organized urban street networks, besides sustaining scale-freeness over a wide range of scalings, undergo a crossover as scaling varies—literature argues for a small-world crossover. Simulations for Central London are consistent against the state-of-the-art outputs over a realistic range of scaling exponents. Our illustrative Watts–Strogatz phase diagram with scaling as rewiring parameter demonstrates a small-world crossover curving within the realistic window 2–3; it also shows that the state-of-the-art outputs underlie relatively large worlds. Our Metropolis adaptation to self-organized urban street networks thusly appears as a scaling variant of the Watts–Strogatz model. Such insights may ultimately allow the urban profession to anticipate self-organization or unplanned evolution of urban street networks.


  • Unplanned or self-organized cities spontaneously undergo scaling coherences for which a comprehensive explanation is lacking (Rybski et al 2019)

  • Conclusions and future works Unplanned or self-organized urban street networks undergo a scale-free coherence that we interpret in terms of a fluctuating system

  • The Metropolis algorithm is a classical entry-point for more elaborate Monte Carlo methods

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Unplanned or self-organized cities spontaneously undergo scaling coherences for which a comprehensive explanation is lacking (Rybski et al 2019). We recently linked the scale-freeness of selforganized urban street networks to a preservation principle through a fluctuating mesoscopic model (Benoit and Jabari 2019a, b). The invoked preservation principle is the Jaynes’s Maximum Entropy principle (Jaynes 1957, 2003; Lawrence 2019) This principle assesses the most plausible probability distribution of a fluctuating system according to moment constraints. We inversely applied it by envisioning streets as mesoscopic objects governed by social interactions (Benoit and Jabari 2019a, b). The discrete Pareto distribution results from a constraint on the first logarithm moment (Dover 2004) Since their configurations are probable due to our lack of knowledge, this constraint interprets itself as an information measure preservation. Promising the approach appears, we need to investigate it completely with some specific tools

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