
The aim of this paper is to compare and contrast the class of residually finite groups with the class of equationally Noetherian groups – groups over which every system of coefficient-free equations is equivalent to a finite subsystem. It is easy to construct groups that are residually finite but not equationally Noetherian (e.g. the direct sum of all finite groups) or vice versa (e.g. the additive group (Q,+) of the rationals). However, no explicit examples that are finitely generated seem to appear in the literature.In this paper, we show that among finitely generated groups, the classes of residually finite and equationally Noetherian groups are similar, but neither of them contains the other. On the one hand, we show that some classes of finitely generated groups which are known to be residually finite, such as abelian-by-polycyclic groups, are also equationally Noetherian (answering a question posed by R. Bryant in [6]). We also give analogous results stating sufficient conditions for a fundamental group of a graph of groups to be equationally Noetherian and to be residually finite. On the other hand, we produce examples of finitely generated non-(equationally Noetherian) groups which are either residually torsion-free nilpotent or conjugacy separable, as well as examples of finitely presented equationally Noetherian groups that are not residually finite.

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