
In electrified transportation, the rail network is used as a return conductor of the traction network. The resistance of the components of the rail network to the traction current within the track circuits is stabilized by the rail bonds (RBs), which are classified as “welded,” “plug-in,” and “spring” rail bonds. Depending on the type of traction, copper or steel–copper RBs of various sections are used; therefore, the current conductivity of the rail line depends on the design of the rail network and the operating conditions and maintenance of the track circuits. Analysis of the distribution of failure in the track-circuit elements shows that the faults in the rail bonds are one of the leading causes of failure in the track circuits. For example, during the fourth quarter of 2016, this figure for the Kuibyshev Railroad, which is a branch of OAO Russian Railroads, was 20%, with the track circuits accounting for 57% of the total number of failure events in the devices of the railroad automation and telemechanics systems. The number of failure events has increased in 2 maintenance sections out of 11 compared with the third quarter of 2016 including failure in rail bonds. This article deals with the problems of continuous monitoring and diagnostics of the conduction of the rail lines on the basis of the principles of invariance to the disturbing actions.

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