
Abstract Let $X$ be a projective variety and let $f$ be a dominant endomorphism of $X$, both of which are defined over a number field $K$. We consider a question of the 2nd author, Meng, Shibata, and Zhang, who asks whether the tower of $K$-points $Y(K)\subseteq (f^{-1}(Y))(K)\subseteq (f^{-2}(Y))(K)\subseteq \cdots $ eventually stabilizes, where $Y\subset X$ is a subvariety invariant under $f$. We show this question has an affirmative answer when the map $f$ is étale. We also look at a related problem of showing that there is some integer $s_0$, depending only on $X$ and $K$, such that whenever $x, y \in X(K)$ have the property that $f^{s}(x) = f^{s}(y)$ for some $s \geqslant 0$, we necessarily have $f^{s_{0}}(x) = f^{s_{0}}(y)$. We prove this holds for étale morphisms of projective varieties, as well as self-morphisms of smooth projective curves. We also prove a more general cancellation theorem for polynomial maps on ${\mathbb {P}}^1$ where we allow for composition by multiple different maps $f_1,\dots ,f_r$.

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