
We introduce and study a classl1dom (ρ) ofl1-embeddable metrics corresponding to a given metric ρ. This class is defined as the set of all convex combinations of ρ-dominated line metrics. Such metrics were implicitly used before in several constuctions of low-distortion embeddings intolp-spaces, such as Bourgain’s embedding of an arbitrary metric ρ onn points withO(logh) distortion. Our main result is that the gap between the distortions of embedding of a finite metric ρ of sizen intol2 versus intol1dom (ρ) is at most\(O\left( {\sqrt {\log n} } \right)\), and that this bound is essentially tight. A significant part of the paper is devoted to proving lower bounds on distortion of such embeddings. We also discuss some general properties and concrete examples.

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