
We prove that in the Wasserstein space built over R the subset of measures that does not charge the non-differentiability set of convex functions is not displacement convex. This completes the study of Gigli on the geometric structure of measures meeting the sharp hypothesis of the refined version of Brenier’s Theorem. Optimal transport is nowadays a central tool in many fields of analysis, differential geometry and probability theory (see e.g. the books by Villani [11, 12]). It takes its origin in the problem of Monge, asking for the shortest way to displace an amount of soil from one place of the Euclidean space to a heap of soil at another place. This problem induces a very natural distance between probability measures – the Wasserstein distance – where the measures represent the heaps of soil. Wasserstein distance is somewhat complementary with the Lebesgue L norms because it corresponds to an “horizontal” displacement: in first approximation, for two localized probability measures on R, the Wasserstein distance is the distance between their barycenters. Brenier’s Theorem [4] on monotone rearrangement of maps of R has become the very core of the theory of optimal transport. It gives a representation of the optimal transport map in term of gradient of convex functions. A very enlightening heuristic on (P2(R ),W2) is proposed in [7] where it appears with an infinite differential structure and the Wasserstein distance is seen as a Riemannian-like distance. This point of view has raised a lot of developments, among which the gradient flow theory presented in [2]. In [6], Gigli explores the Riemannian-like structure and proposes to think of the measures meeting the hypothesis of a refined version of Brenier’s Theorem as the regular points of the Wasserstein space. In this paper we show that the set of those transport-regular measures is not geodesically convex (Theorems 2.2 and 2.5). It is quite surprising because it is well-known that the subset made of absolutely continuous measures (the most notorious transport-regular measures) is geodesically convex. It answers a question suggested by Gigli [6, Remark 2.12]. The paper is built as follows: we first recall some main results on the quadratic Monge(-Kantorovich) problem. The key idea of our result can be found in Lemma 1.6 while Proposition 1.8 gives a way, together with Proposition 1.7, to characterize transport-regular measures. In the second (and last) part, we prove the main theorem (Theorem 2.2) and its generalization (Theorem 2.5) thanks to explicit constructions. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 28A75.

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