
A continuous composition semigroup of probability generating functionsF≔(F t ,t≥0) and the corresponding multiplication ⊙ F of van Harnet al. (1982,Z. Wahrsch. Verw. Gebiete,61, 97–118) are used to introduce the concept of [F; α]-unimodality which generalizes the discrete α-unimodality due to Abouammoh (1987,Statist. Neerlandica,41, 239–244) and Alamatsaz (1993,Statist. Neerlandica,47, 245–252). We offer various characterizations and other properties of [F;α]-unimodality. Notably, several convolution results are presented. Moreover, we explore the relationship between [F;α]-unimodality and the concepts of discrete self-decomposability and stability. Finally, lower bounds for variances of [F;α]-monotone and [F;α]-unimodal random variables are derived and some examples are also mentioned.

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