
While cloud markets promise virtually unlimited resource supplies, standardized commodities and proper services, some providers may not be able to offer effectual physical capacity to serve large customers. A solution is cloud collaborations, in which multiple providers unite forces in order to conjointly offer capacities in the cloud markets. Supposably, both the Quality of Service and security properties of such collaborations will be determined by “the weakest link in the chain”, therefore resulting in a trade-off between the monetary aggregates, cumulative capacity and the non-functional attributes of a cloud collaboration. Based on previous research, this paper examines efficient composition of cloud collaborations from the broker's perspective, considering Quality of Service and information security requirements of multiple cloud providers and users and presents an exact approach CCCP-EXA.KOM for building cloud collaborations. Furthermore, it proposes a Mixed Integer Programming-based heuristic optimization approach CCCP-PRIOSORT.KOM and provides its quantitative evaluation in comparison with prior optimal approach.

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