
As part of social stratum, definition of farmers was made certain in traditional agricultural society. In modern society, definition and connotation of farmers need to be given new meaning because features of agriculture transits from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. In this paper, the author establishes definition of farmers and it connotation and particularity in modern agricultural background by comparison of features between traditional agriculture and modern agriculture. That is, modern farmers are entia of producers and operators that deploy resources in virtue of the market, guide production based on market requirements, supply the market with new products, and regard commercial activities as their stage. Meanwhile, they have characteristics of independence, self-determination, go-aheadism, sociality and innovation compared with traditional farmers.


  • Common defect of traditional agricultural civilization lies in the fact that, its productivity is low, and farmers are defined as “autarkic agricultural producers”

  • Production mode with a family as a unit in traditional agriculture is going to be replaced by modern enterprise operation mode with definite economic scope and organizational structure, which is determined by property of modern agriculture and national situation of China

  • If farmers are still positioned as “agricultural producers”, they can not assume the task of building modern agriculture

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Modern agriculture and its features

Agriculture can be traced back to the remote antiquity, and it is the first industry that human beings depend on after the formation of “differentiation of human beings and apes”. As a matter of fact, in review of features of agricultural development, modern agriculture is a commercialized and marketed enterprise-type agriculture which has been gradually shaped since the industrial revolution. Production target of farmers in modern agriculture is not for “self-use”, but for “use of others” That is, their production target is not for their own consumption, but for supplying commodities to the market. In the circumstance of market economy, farmers are active participants of market economy, and they realize the maximum of their own interests through market competition They focus on their own consumption and agricultural production per se, and concentrate on changes in supply and demand relationship on the market, so as to make sure centre of their production factor collocation. Farmers are producers, and proprietors, so definition of traditional farmers is not applicable in defining modern farmers

Production means
Operation system
Operation mode
From farmer to Agro- businessman --- a qualitative leap
Particularity of modern famers --- clear-cut positioning view of subjectivity
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