
An identity of the form x 1⋯x n ≈x 1π x 2π ⋯x nπ where π is a non-trivial permutation on the set {1,…,n} is called a permutation identity. If u≈v is a permutation identity, then ℓ(u≈v) [respectively r(u≈v)] is the maximal length of the common prefix [suffix] of the words u and v. A variety that satisfies a permutation identity is called permutative. If \(\mathcal{V}\) is a permutative variety, then \(\ell=\ell(\mathcal{V})\) [respectively \(r=r(\mathcal{V})\)] is the least ℓ [respectively r] such that \(\mathcal{V}\) satisfies a permutation identity τ with ℓ(τ)=ℓ [respectively r(τ)=r]. A variety that consists of nil-semigroups is called a nil-variety. If Σ is a set of identities, then \(\operatorname {var}\varSigma\) denotes the variety of semigroups defined by Σ. If \(\mathcal{V}\) is a variety, then \(L (\mathcal{V})\) denotes the lattice of all subvarieties of \(\mathcal{V}\).For ℓ,r≥0 and n>1 let \(\mathfrak{B}_{\ell,r,n}\) denote the set that consists of n! identities of the form $$t_1\cdots t_\ell x_1x_2 \cdots x_n z_{1}\cdots z_{r}\approx t_1\cdots t_\ell x_{1\pi}x_{2\pi} \cdots x_{n\pi}z_{1}\cdots z_{r}, $$ where π is a permutation on the set {1,…,n}. We prove that for each permutative nil-variety \(\mathcal{V}\) and each \(\ell\ge\ell(\mathcal{V})\) and \(r\ge r(\mathcal{V})\) there exists n>1 such that \(\mathcal{V}\) is definable by a first-order formula in \(L(\operatorname{var}{\mathfrak{B}}_{l,r,n})\) if ℓ≠r or \(\mathcal{V}\) is definable up to duality in \(L(\operatorname{var}{\mathfrak{B}}_{\ell,r,n})\) if ℓ=r.


  • In a series of papers [5,6,7,8], Ježek solved the most general problems in this area for the lattice LT of all varieties of algebras of any given type T. He proved that each finitely generated and each finitely based variety is definable in LT up to the obvious, syntactically defined automorphisms, and LT has no other automorphisms

  • 0-permutative variety is semi-definable in P(0). As another consequence of Theorem 11.1 we show (Corollary 11.2) that for each 0 ≤ k ≤ 2, every k-permutative nil-variety is semi-definable in the lattice P(k) of all k-permutative varieties

  • It is well known that the variety of all commutative semigroups is definable in I as the minimal variety in I that contains all group atoms

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A subset A of a lattice L, ∨, ∧ is called definable in L if there exists a first-order formula Φ(x) with one free variable xin the language of lattice operations ∨ and ∧ that defines A in L, that is, Φ(x) is true if and only if x ∈ A. Ježek and McKenzie raised problems of first-order definability in lattices of the form L(var B) where B is a set of linear identities. By using an idea from [3], a result from [23] and some functions on varieties, we prove (Proposition 4.1) that a nilvariety V is b0-reduced if and only if for each prime d > 1, the variety V ∨ var C0,d is a cover of the variety V This implies (Theorem 4.1) that the set of all b0-reduced varieties in I is definable in I. 9] and a construction from [11] we prove (Proposition 8.2) that a b0-reduced variety V ∈ L(var B) has exactly one cover in the class of all nil-varieties in L(var B) if and only if V = var{u ≈ 0, B} for some word u This implies (Theorem 8.1) that the set of all varieties of the form var{u ≈ 0, B} is definable in L(var B). As another consequence of Theorem 11.1 we show (Corollary 11.2) that for each 0 ≤ k ≤ 2, every k-permutative nil-variety is semi-definable in the lattice P(k) of all k-permutative varieties

Some definable varieties and classes of varieties in I
Functions on varieties and sets of identities
Definability of the set of all b0-reduced varieties in I
A quasi-order on the free semigroup modulo B
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