
We consider de Sitter vacua realised in concrete type IIB Calabi-Yau compactifications with an anti D3-brane at the tip of a warped throat of Klebanov-Strassler type. The Kähler moduli are stabilised together with the complex structure modulus of the warped throat. The volume is exponentially large as in the large volume scenario (LVS). We analyse the conditions on the parameters of the EFT such that they are in the region of validity of our approximations, there are no runaway problems and the vacua satisfy all consistency constraints, such as tadpole cancellation. We illustrate our results with an explicit Calabi-Yau orientifold with two Kähler moduli and one antibrane on top of an O3-plane in a warped throat, that has the goldstino as its only massless state. The moduli are stabilised with gs∼ 0.2 and volume mathcal{V} ∼ 104 in string units, justifying the approximation used to derive the corresponding EFT. Although the model lacks chiral matter, it is presented as a proof of concept, chosen to be the simplest realisation of antibrane uplift.


  • Since the warp factor (∼ e−8πK/3gsM ) should be small, a lower bound on M puts a lower bound on K and on M K

  • In this paper we have studied the moduli scalar potential for a type IIB compactification in large volume scenario (LVS) regime, with a dS minimum realised by the introduction of an D3-brane at the tip of a warped throat

  • We assumed that all complex structure moduli and the dilaton were fixed by fluxes as in GKP and we concentrated on the scalar potential for the throat complex structure modulus and the Kähler moduli

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Type IIB moduli stabilisation with anti D3-branes

If no further ingredients are added to the compactification, there are several massless scalars, called moduli, coming from reducing the 10d type IIB fields g10 (metric), C0, C2, C4 (RR p-form potentials), the NSNS two-form B2 and the dilaton φ. H1+,1 complex scalars Ti(x), called Kähler moduli, corresponding to deformations of the Kähler form J (τi) and of the RR C4 (θi).. The axio-dilaton S and all the complex structure moduli Zα can be stabilised at the classical level, by turning on a non-zero vev for the field strength G3 = F3 − iSH3 of the RR and NSNS 2-form potential C2, B2. Where χ is the Euler characteristic of the fourfold At the minimum of V the Kähler moduli are flat directions

LVS Kähler moduli stabilisation
Challenges to the antibrane uplift scenario
The scalar potential
Moduli masses
Bounds on the warp factor
Consistency conditions and limits on D3 tadpole
Bounds on the flux D3-charge
An explicit model with D3-branes uplift
D7-brane setup
Warped throat with O3-planes at the tip
Moduli stabilisation
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