
The article is a research response to the task of developing the scientific and technological base set by the President of Russia in his message to the Federal Assembly in 2019. The scientific and technological base is revealed as a more comprehensive concept than a concept that includes only material and technical objects, in particular, it accommodates human resources engaged in research and development. The author reveals insufficiency of current measures of state support for researchers and developers, which boil down mainly to competitive financing of scientists and little-demanded tax breaks for innovative business. The paper proves several measures to strengthen the basic support of research personnel and technological business. There is a need not only to implement large scientific and technological infrastructure projects, but also increase the volume of budget (basic) support for researchers and developers through the growth of actual wages at the rate of the full working rate, provide preferential mortgage loans, expand tax incentives for innovative business, as well as develop a “qualified customer” model. The analysis is performed on the basis of studying Russian regulatory legal acts defining the state scientific and technical policy, articles of Russian scientists as well as materials of Russian and international statistical databases. The results of the study may be used by representatives of the executive authorities, as well as a wide range of specialists interested in the problems of science and technology policy in Russia.

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