
In structural optimization, most successful sequential approximate optimization (SAO) algorithms solve a sequence of strictly convex subproblems using the dual of Falk. Previously, we have shown that, under certain conditions, a nonconvex nonlinear (sub)problem may also be solved using the Falk dual. In particular, we have demonstrated this for two nonconvex examples of approximate subproblems that arise in popular and important structural optimization problems. The first is used in the SAO solution of the weight minimization problem, while the topology optimization problem that results from volumetric penalization gives rise to the other. In both cases, the nonconvex subproblems arise naturally in the consideration of the physical problems, so it seems counter productive to discard them in favor of using standard, but less well-suited, strictly convex approximations. Though we have not required that strictly convex transformations exist for these problems in order that they may be solved via a dual approach, we have noted that both of these examples can indeed be transformed into strictly convex forms. In this paper we present both the nonconvex weight minimization problem and the nonconvex topology optimization problem with volumetric penalization as instructive numerical examples to help motivate the use of nonconvex approximations as subproblems in SAO. We then explore the link between convex transformability and the salient criteria which make nonconvex problems amenable to solution via the Falk dual, and we assess the effect of the transformation on the dual problem. However, we consider only a restricted class of problems, namely separable problems that are at least C 1 continuous, and a restricted class of transformations: those in which the functions that represent the mapping are each continuous, monotonic and univariate.

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