
Basic definitions are given in the next paragraph. We study second clique graphs of suspensions of graphs, K2(S(G)), and characterize them, in terms of an auxiliary biclique operator B which transforms a graph G into its biclique graph B(G). The characterization is then: K2(S(G))≅B(K(G)). We found a characterization of the graphs, G, that maximize |B(G)| for any given order n=|G|. This particular version of a biclique operator is new in the literature. The main motivation to study B(G) is an attempt to characterize the graphs G that maximize |K2(G)|, thus mimicking a result of Moon and Moser [12] that characterizes the graphs maximizing |K(G)|.The clique graph K(G) of a a graph G is the intersection graph of the set of all (maximal) cliques of G (and K2(G)=K(K(G))). The suspension S(G) of a graph G is the graph obtained from G by adding two new vertices which are adjacent to all other vertices, but not to each other. Here, a biclique (X, Y ) is an ordered pair of not necessarily disjoint subsets of vertices of G such that each x∈X is adjacent or equal to every y∈Y and such that (X, Y ) is maximal under component-wise inclusion. Finally B(G) is the graph whose vertices are the bicliques of G with adjacencies given by (X,Y)≃(X′,Y′) if and only if X∩X′≠∅ or Y∩Y′≠∅.

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