
We analyze the spectra of non-chiral and chiral bifundamental mesons arising on intersecting D7-branes in AdS 5 × S 5. In the absence of magnetic flux on the curve of intersection, the spectrum is non-chiral, and the dual gauge theory is conformal in the quenched/probe approximation. For this case we calculate the dimensions of the bifundamental mesonic operators. We then consider magnetization of the D7-branes, which deforms the dual theory by an irrelevant operator and renders the mesons chiral. The magnetic flux spoils the conformality of the dual theory, and induces a D3-brane charge that becomes large in the ultraviolet, where the non-normalizable bifundamental modes are rapidly divergent. An ultraviolet completion is therefore necessary to calculate the correlation functions in the chiral case. On the other hand, the normalizable modes are very well localized in the infrared, leading to new possibilities for local model-building on intersecting D7-branes in warped geometries.


  • Cycles [6].1 The simplest such example is the addition of F D7-branes to type IIB string theory on AdS5 × S5, where we take the D7-branes to fill AdS5 and wrap an S3 of the S5

  • Adding the D7-branes deforms the dual theory to an N = 2 gauge theory with a U (F ) flavor group, containing a massless adjoint hypermultiplet as well as a massless quark hypermultiplet that transforms in the bifundamental of SU (N ) × U (F )

  • Open strings stretching between the D7-branes and the D3-branes have the same charges as the quarks in the dual theory

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The D7-brane action

As discussed in the introduction, we focus on supersymmetric configurations, and so we take a flat D7-brane probe, which preserves half of the supercharges of flat space. If the stacks are parallel, the mass of these modes is proportional to the separation between the branes. Such a configuration still preserves sixteen supercharges and so the action for the bifundamental modes (which provide a full massive vector multiplet) can be fixed by symmetries. If we are to trust the effective field theory description of the modes stretching between the branes, their mass must be less than that of the massive string states that have been integrated out implicitly. The intersection of two D7-branes is generically six-dimensional, and the long-wavelength description of the bifundamental modes can be given in terms of a 6d effective field theory description on this intersection. When the intersection is such that both D7branes fill R3,1 and are holomorphically embedded into C3, at least minimal supersymmetry is preserved [56] and the 6d theory includes massless scalars and fermions

Non-chiral modes
Chiral modes
Non-chiral mesons from D7-branes in AdS
Setup and equations of motion
The meson spectrum
Chiral mesons from D7-branes in AdS
Ultraviolet sensitivity of the correlation functions
A Conventions for fermions
B Hyperspherical harmonics
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