
This paper explores the charging aspects of Internet services delivered over ATM. The process of charging scheme design is motivated by the fact that both market and technological considerations influence charging. This service-driven process has been developed and applied with success in an ATM environment by the CANCAN project. The scenario considered in this paper involves three layers of the service provision value chain. The actors involved are a network operator (NO), a value-added service provider (VASP), and Internet users. The NO provides a wholesale transport service to the VASP and the VASP provides a specific retail Internet service to end users. This approach was used in real trials conducted in CANCAN. The retail service trialled was access to an Internet magazine. A few charging schemes are selected for both the wholesale and retail services, and sample bills are produced. These charging schemes are evaluated on the basis of user criteria. Conclusions are drawn on the basis of a comparison of charges from the viewpoint of the VASP. Technical issues relating to Internet charging are also discussed.

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