
In this work, we study dynamic properties of classical solutions to a homogenous Neumann initial-boundary value problem (IBVP) for a two-species and two-stimuli chemotaxis model with/without chemical signalling loop in a 2D bounded and smooth domain. We detect the product of two species masses as a feature to determine boundedness, gradient estimate, blow-up and exponential convergence of classical solutions for the corresponding IBVP. More specifically, we first show generally a smallness on the product of both species masses, thus allowing one species mass to be suitably large, is sufficient to guarantee global boundedness, higher order gradient estimates and $$W^{j,\infty }(j\ge 1)$$ -exponential convergence with rates of convergence to constant equilibria; and then, in a special case, we detect a straight line of masses on which blow-up occurs for large product of masses. Our findings provide new understandings about the underlying model, and thus, improve and extend greatly the existing knowledge relevant to this model.

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