
Computer mediated communication has connected the globe in such a way that today the whole world connects with a common thread. It has broken all cultural, social, religious and geographic barriers bringing the world at a zero distance level. Unfortunately, among its innumerable advantages, online communication has developed a darker side to it called flaming. With the freedom that online communication offers, the users have started infiltrating conversation with hostile and offensive exchange of words. Due to the absence of face to face interaction, there are various factors such as anonymity, lack of familiarity, absence of social cordiality and etiquettes that promote flaming. This study takes a look at the social context in which flaming occurs. This paper involves a study conducted on one subject in a confined environment. It focuses on the flaming tendencies and patterns. An effort is done to analyze the factors that affect flaming. The response of the online users on current and controversial issues is recorded. It is generally the sensitive issues that attract flaming. Also non met friends have a tendency to shed their inhibitions and involve blatantly in flaming. Another observation is that the male gender has more inclination towards flaming and involves more in contemptuous comments. The Probit Model is used to analyze the recorded responses and draw the conclusions.

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