
We consider the bulk algebra and topological D-brane category arising from the differential model of the open-closed B-type topological Landau-Ginzburg theory defined by a pair $(X,W)$, where $X$ is a non-compact Calabi-Yau manifold and $W$ has compact critical set. When $X$ is a Stein manifold (but not restricted to be a domain of holomorphy), we extract equivalent descriptions of the bulk algebra and of the category of topological D-branes which are constructed using only the analytic space associated to $X$. In particular, we show that the D-brane category is described by projective matrix factorizations defined over the ring of holomorphic functions of $X$. We also discuss simplifications of the analytic models which arise when $X$ is holomorphically parallelizable and illustrate these analytic models in a few classes of examples.

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