
In order to achieve the national development purposes of the Russian Federation for the protection and improvement of public health as declared in the strategic documents, under conditions of limited budgetary resources it is relevant to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public administration, including that of organizations carrying out control and supervision functions. The aim of the study was to develop methods for assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of Rospotrebnadzor control and supervision activities and the interpretation of the assessment results, as well as to test the proposed approaches in the analysis of the regional distribution of efficiency and effectiveness indicators in the Russian Federation Regions. Using methods of mathematical statistics, the cause-effect relationships between medical and demographic indicators, environmental quality indicators and Rospotrebnadzor activities in the triple system "Rospotrebnadzor activities - environmental quality - public health" were established and parameterized. The actual and prevented health and demographic (morbidity and mortality) economic losses associated with the negative impact of environmental factors have been assessed as a result of control and supervision activities. The calculation of indicative indicators of effectiveness and efficiency of control and supervision activities of Rospotrebnadzor in the Russian Federation Regions and the Russian Federation in general, has been carried out. The analysis of the regional distribution of the indicator of the effectiveness of the control and supervision activities of Rospotrebnadzor is performed. Using the method of k-means cluster analysis, typology of the Russian Federation Regions was carried out according to a set of indicators characterizing the performance of Rospotrebnadzor, the level of macroeconomic development of the region and the amount of funds allocated for control and surveillance activities to ensure sanitary and epidemiological welfare in the Russian Federation Regions. The results obtained from the analysis of the regional distribution of indicative indicators and the typology of the Russian Federation Regions (compared with the national average) can be used as a reference point for the Russian Federation Regions when assessing management reserves and developing programmes of measures to reduce risks to public health.

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