
It is not possible to determine from the Hilbert series whether a commutative Z -graded Noetherian algebra is a complete intersection. Nevertheless, the Hilbert series of a complete intersection satisfies very stringent conditions and we define a concept CI-type for formal power series, that embodies some of these necessary properties. This definition becomes interesting mainly for algebras that are not standard i.e. not generated in degree 1. For the class of formal power series that occur as the Hilbert series of Z -graded Noetherian Cohen–Macaulay algebras, the main result is a criterion for a series to be of CI-type, that is formulated in terms of properties of truncated power series. Hence it can be used as the basis for an algorithm that provides in a finite number of steps either a rational function expression of the formal power series, or the information that the truncated power series is not of CI-type. Also sample computations using this algorithm on some non-standard graded invariant algebras are described.

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