
Let $V$ be a $(d+1)$-dimensional vector space over a field $\mathbb{F}$. Sesquilinear forms over $V$ have been largely studied when they are reflexive and hence give rise to a (possibly degenerate) polarity of the $d$-dimensional projective space $\mathrm{PG}(V)$. Everything is known in this case for both degenerate and non-degenerate reflexive forms if $\mathbb{F}$ is either ${\mathbb R}$, ${\mathbb C}$ or a finite field ${\mathbb F}_q$. In this paper we consider degenerate, non-reflexive sesquilinear forms of $V=\mathbb{F}_{q^n}^3$. We will see that these forms give rise to degenerate correlations of $\mathrm{PG}(2,q^n)$ whose set of absolute points are, besides cones, the (possibly degenerate) $C_F^m$-sets studied by Donati and Durante in 2014. In the final section we collect some results from the huge work of B.C. Kestenband regarding what is known for the set of the absolute points of correlations in $\mathrm{PG}(2,q^n)$ induced by a non-degenerate, non-reflexive sesquilinear form of $V=\mathbb{F}_{q^n}^3$.


  • Introduction and definitionsLet V and W be two vector spaces over the same field F

  • Is a σ-sesquilinear form or a σ-semibilinear form on V if it is a linear map on the first argument and it is a σ-semilinear map on the second argument, that is: v + v, v = v, v + v, v v, v + v = v, v + v, v av, v = a v, v, v, av = aσ v, v for all v, v, v ∈ V, a ∈ F

  • We will determine the set of absolute points in PG(2, qn) for a degenerate correlation induced by a degenerate σ-sesquilinear form with associated automorphism σ : x → xqm, (m, n) = 1, of V = F3qn

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Introduction and definitions

Let V and W be two vector spaces over the same field F. Let Γ be the set of absolute points of a degenerate polarity in the projective space PG(d, F), Γ is one of the following: subspaces, degenerate quadrics and degenerate Hermitian varieties. We will determine the set of absolute points in PG(2, qn) for a degenerate correlation induced by a degenerate σ-sesquilinear form with associated automorphism σ : x → xqm, (m, n) = 1, of V = F3qn. The set of the absolute points in PG(1, qn) of a (possibly degenerate) correlation induced by a σ-sesquilinear form of F2qn is one of the following:. Let Γ be the set of absolute points in PG(2, qn) of a (possibly degenerate) correlation induced by a σ-sesquilinear form of F3qn, σ : x → xqm, (m, n) = 1.

Steiner’s projective generation of conics and CFm-sets
12. A degenerate CFm canonical equation x3
Non-degenerate σ-sesquilinear forms in F3qn
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