
Let F : P^n --> P^n be a morphism of degree d > 1 defined over C. The dynamical Mordell--Lang conjecture says that the intersection of an orbit O_F(P) and a subvariety X of P^n is usually finite. We consider the number of linear subvarieties L in P^n such that the intersection of O_F(P)and L is larger than expected. When F is the d'th-power map and the coordinates of P are multiplicatively independent, we prove that there are only finitely many linear subvarieties that are super-spanned by O_F(P), and further that the number of such subvarieties is bounded by a function of n, independent of the point P or the degree d. More generally, we show that there exists a finite subset S, whose cardinality is bounded in terms of n, such that any n+1 points in O_F(P)-S are in linear general position in P^n.

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