
We consider a nonlinear PDEs system of two equations of Parabolic–Elliptic type with chemotactic terms. The system models the movement of a biological population “u” towards a higher concentration of a chemical agent “w” in a bounded and regular domain Ω⊂RN for arbitrary N∈N. After normalization, the system is as followsut−Δu=−div(umχ∇w)+μu(1−uα), in ΩT=Ω×(0,T),−Δw+w=uγ, in ΩT, for some positive constants m, χ, μ, α and γ, with positive initial datum u0 and Neumann boundary conditions.We study the range of parameters and constrains for which the solution exists globally in time. If eitherα>m+γ−1, orα=m+γ−1 and μ>Nα−22(m−1)+Nαχ, the solution exists globally in time. Moreover, ifα≥m+γ−1 and μ>2χ, and there exist positive constants u‾0 and u_0 such that 0<u_0≤u0≤u‾0<∞ we have that‖u−1‖L∞(Ω)+‖w−1‖L∞(Ω)→0 as t→∞.

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