
Abstract We give a precise estimate for the number of lattice points in certain bounded subsets of $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ that involve “hyperbolic spikes” and occur naturally in multiplicative Diophantine approximation. We use Wilkie’s o-minimal structure $\mathbb{R}_{\exp }$ and expansions thereof to formulate our counting result in a general setting. We give two different applications of our counting result. The 1st one establishes nearly sharp upper bounds for sums of reciprocals of fractional parts and thereby sheds light on a question raised by Lê and Vaaler, extending previous work of Widmer and of the author. The 2nd application establishes new examples of linear subspaces of Khintchine type thereby refining a theorem by Huang and Liu. For the proof of our counting result, we develop a sophisticated partition method that is crucial for further upcoming work on sums of reciprocals of fractional parts over distorted boxes.

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