
Let $a = a(\xi), \xi\in\mathbb R,$ be a smooth function quickly decreasing at infinity. For the Wiener-Hopf operator $W(a)$ with the symbol $a$, and a smooth function $g:\mathbb C\to~\mathbb C$, H. Widom in 1982 established the following trace formula: \[ {\rm tr}\bigl(g\bigl(W(a)\bigr) - W(g\circ a)\bigr) = \mathcal B(a; g), \] where $\mathcal B(a; g)$ is given explicitly in terms of the functions $a$ and $g$. The paper analyses the coefficient $\mathcal B(a; g)$ for a class of non-smooth functions $g$ assuming that $a$ is real-valued. A representative example of one such function is $g(t) = |t|^{\gamma}$ with some $\gamma\in (0, 1]$.

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