
The partition dimension is a variant of metric dimension in graphs. It has arising applications in the fields of network designing, robot navigation, pattern recognition and image processing. Let G (V (G) , E (G)) be a connected graph and Γ = {P1, P2, …, Pm} be an ordered m-partition of V (G). The partition representation of vertex v with respect to Γ is an m-vector r (v|Γ) = (d (v, P1) , d (v, P2) , …, d (v, Pm)), where d (v, P) = min {d (v, x) |x ∈ P} is the distance between v and P. If the m-vectors r (v|Γ) differ in at least 2 positions for all v ∈ V (G), then the m-partition is called a 2-partition generator of G. A 2-partition generator of G with minimum cardinality is called a 2-partition basis of G and its cardinality is known as the 2-partition dimension of G. Circulant graphs outperform other network topologies due to their low message delay, high connectivity and survivability, therefore are widely used in telecommunication networks, computer networks, parallel processing systems and social networks. In this paper, we computed partition dimension of circulant graphs Cn (1, 2) for n ≡ 2 (mod 4), n ≥ 18 and hence corrected the result given by Salman et al. [Acta Math. Sin. Engl. Ser. 2012, 28, 1851-1864]. We further computed the 2-partition dimension of Cn (1, 2) for n ≥ 6.

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