
Von Willebrand's disease (VWD) bleeding is less likely to endanger life, unlike hemophilia. The lack of a significant decrease the quality of life leads to decrease in the compliance of patients with VWD. To improve the situation, the staff of the Department of Hemostasis Disorders, Russian National Research Center for Hematology conducted this program in Moscow and the Moscow region. Determine the patients' compliance to therapy, as well as the difficulties and wishes associated with the treatment of VWD. Survey of patients with VWD on a visit to a hematologist or via phone calls. Questions included information on diagnosis, safety, efficacy, and convenience of replacement therapy, communication, bleeding control, and social standing. The study was approved by the Independent Ethics Committee and the Scientific Council of the National Medical Research Centre for Hematology of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation. 41 patients took a part in it: 17 male and 24 female. The majority of initial visits to a specialist are associated with bleeding from the nose and gums (26%), with hematomas (20%), dental operations (13%) and injuries (11%). Most often, the diagnosis was installed by a pediatrician (47%), less often by a surgeon (14%) or genetic inheritance (14%), gynecologists (9%), dentists (7%), otorhinolaryngologists (2%) and doctors of other specialties (7%). Completely satisfied with the therapy are 76% of the respondents. However, one patient considers the therapy ineffective. VWD is the most common coagulopathy, which can be encountered by a doctor of any specialty. Our survey identified a need to educate patients about intravenous injections. The communication between patient and doctor and the therapy correction on time could be improve compliance and reduce the cost of the state for the treatment of complications associated with non-compliance of patients.

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