
The article describes an approved bachelors' training model in the Special (defectological) education (special psychologists, defectologists, teachers of mentally handicapped children, sign teachers and speech therapists) for professional activities in the field of psychological and pedagogical support for persons with disabilities on the basis of the structural unit of the University Center for the Development of Professional Competencies “Workshop of Special Technologies for Inclusive Education”. The implementation of the proposed model of practice-oriented training of future specialists for persons with hearing and vision impairments, with disorders of the musculoskeletal system and speech, with intellectual disabilities and early childhood autism allowed to increase the level of professional competence of young specialists in the field of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and correction of deviant development, education and training of persons with disabilities, to gain experience of cooperation and interaction with public organizations of persons with disabilities. The experimental study of motivation for a future professional activity and choice of profession among first-year students showed a lack of understanding of the specialists of psychological and pedagogical support role in the General system of both special and inclusive education. The choice of a future profession in most cases was due to the desire of the parents of freshmen or the advice of friends. The proposed model of practice-oriented training of students involves a gradual immersion in professional activities, which allows not only to improve the quality of academic performance, but also generally trains a competent specialist, competitive and in demand in the market labor.

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