
Abstract: Industrial and technical applications for remote robots are growing in importance. They are already being used for monitoring, testing and transportation activities. One of the main requirements for an independent remote robot is its ability to navigate the workplace, avoid obstacles and find its way to the next location, in order to perform its function, skills known as local performance and navigation. Navigating robots under different world conditions such as very steep slopes, ramps, slippery slopes and slippery terrain is a major challenge. In project work, the Omni-wheel with a 60-Degree of inclination is designed and tested in an intrusive, sloping and deceptive environment. Annex acclerometer and gyrometer sensors are common. Keeping track of the platform up to a minimum no matter where the robot is located is our goal. Omni wheels are specially selected to make navigation easier in any conditions. In order to balance ground collisions and active sedation in a moving environment, we use a simple method where the surface of the robot will remain in contact with the ground and the robot will align with the slope. The project introduces Omni steering wheels in Mecanum and discusses the kinematic relationships of the four-wheel drive Mecanum. Forward and Inverse kinematic was taken from this project. Keywords: Omni Wheel Robot, Wireless Communications, Transportation, Arduino etc.

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