
The article analyzes the conceptual paradigm of scientific style as a type of literary language from the point of view of the concept of encyclopedic coverage of the terminological system of Ukrainian linguistic stylistics. Particular attention is paid to the establishment of communicative and pragmatic features, functions of the scientific style and its varieties (scientific-educational, popular science, scientific-journalistic substyles), coverage of theoretical issues of historiosophy and historiography of style in Ukrainian linguistics. In the system of concepts, literature is considered as the main category and the term as a differential unit of scientific texts. The concept of scientific style is systematized in the context of the typology of language thinking, the establishment of a view on the history of the literary language and its styles as phenomena closely related to the philosophy of culture, the development of national consciousness. The integrative aspect proposed in the article complements the structural-level analysis of the texts and involves the interpretation of the style category in the context of the typology of language thinking, the definition of concepts subordinate to it, the establishment of a view on the history of the literary language and its styles as phenomena closely related to the philosophy of culture, the development of national consciousness. The conceptual paradigm of scientific style requires the establishment of hypero-hyponymic connections and an encyclopedic (short and at the same time informatively comprehensive) substantiation of the status of concepts, the establishment of their differential features and the highlighting of the historiography of style in Ukrainian linguistics, which will be an intermediate summary of the acquisitions in this field of Ukrainian linguistics and at the same time make it accessible them for the wider philological community. The scientific style serves the needs of important spheres of the Ukrainian language spaceeducation and science, the development of which testifies to the intellectual level of the nation. Keywords: scientific style, scientific text, concepts, scientific and educational sub-style, popular scientific sub-style, scientific and journalistic sub-style

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