
Image matching between optical and SAR images remains challenging due to their different imaging principles. Despite recent developments in image matching methods for optical-to-SAR images, few have seen practical application success due to the significant geometric and radiometric differences between the two modalities. In this letter, we propose a new method called the Orientated Modality Independent Region Descriptor (OMIRD) to overcome these challenges. Our template-based approach effectively extracts consistent structural and textural features from both optical and SAR images. Additionally, we introduce a principal orientation selection method, using the Ratio of Exponentially Weighted Averages (ROEWA) and logarithm Histogram of Gradient (HOG) to identify the most meaningful feature orientations and further simplify the OMIRD descriptor. The experimental results indicate that the proposed OMIRD exhibits superior matching accuracy and robustness under various geometric distortions and non-linear grayscale variations.

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