
While both economic development and political change in Pakistan have been analysed in a number of studies, the inter-dependence of the two has rarely been analysed. The author's promise in the preface to present 'an integrated analysis of Pakistan's development' in the book under review, therefore, excites great interest However, the reader is badly disappointed because the book fails to analyse this inter-dependence. Only scattered references to it have been made here and there. Even worse, the book fails to link the policy changes made in one period with those in the other periods. The book consists of ten chapters and has been divided into three parts. These parts discuss economic and political developments in three different periods, viz., 1947- 71, 1971-77, and 1977-85. Politics, religion and economic development in each period is discussed in separate chapters. Chapter 1 (part I) is entitled 'Disenchantment with Freedom'. The basic thesis of the author is that the Muslim League was never interested in the Islamic principles and referred to Islam only with a view to arousing hatred against the non-muslim communities and winning over the people by promising a better future by creating an egalitarian structure of society. The author further asserts that because the Muslim League leaders had no clear Islamic perception, Islam cannot be the basis of Pakistan 's creation; and that the Objectives Resolution was vague on Islam. However, no evidence is presented to substantiate these claims. That the Muslim League leaders had a secular outlook is not inconsistent with creating Pakistan in the name ofIslam; the people voted for the Muslim League and Pakistan to create an Islamic State which will provide social justice. The claim that the egalitarian bias in the manifesto of the Muslim League was only a ploy to get votes is belied by the fact that the Muslim League government in the early 1950s did propose major land reforms, an aspect which the author has conveniently chosen to overlook. Similarly, the claim that the Objectives Resolution is vague on Islam is at variance with the contents of the Resolution.

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