
The prose of the independence period is colorful and interesting not only because of the peculiarities of the compositional structure of its plot, but also in terms of its speech. Today's generation of artists pays great attention to the effective use of the inner potential of each word, the power of meaning. If the current generation of our people, which is now being renewed spiritually and enlightenment, cannot properly accept such new forms of artistic speech, then no one, not even the most talented artist, will be able to consume new forms of speech. although it enters, it cannot guarantee its permanent existence. In the novels that have been created in recent years, a variety of forms of artistic discourse have emerged, which undoubtedly increase the attractiveness of the works and give them longevity. Omon Mukhtor is one of our most talented prose writers, constantly contributing to the expansion of our views on the world by depicting real events through symbols. After all, literary creation is closely connected with the philosophical worldview. The heroes of Omon Mukhtor are also people who live and act in the world of their intuition and moods, and are distinguished by their uniqueness in a certain moral situation. They are the ones who purify their knowledge from dust and sins and achieve freedom of heart.

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