
One hundred and forty-five cases of oligohydramnios in the second and third trimester were diagnosed by ultrasonography out of 25,000 obstetrics patients (0.58%). In this group, pregnancy complications included hypertension (22.1%) and bleeding in the second trimester (4.1%). We found a high incidence of meconium-stained amniotic fluid (29.1%), fetal distress (7.9%) and premature placental separation (4.2%). IUGR occurred in 24.5% of cases. Asphyxia during labor occurred in 11.5% and different other perinatal problems in 23.5%. Cesarean section was performed in 35.2% of these pregnancies. Seventeen percent of the cases presented as breech. Intrauterine fetal death occurred in 5.5% of these pregnancies. The gross perinatal mortality was 16% and the corrected perinatal mortality was 10.7%. The overall rate of fetal malformations was 11% and that of lethal malformations 4.8%. The skeletal (7.6%) and urinary system (4.1%) were the predominant systems affected. Oligohydramnios is associated with a higher rate of pregnancy complications and increased fetal morbidity and mortality, and thus termination should be considered when pulmonary maturity is present or in cases of fetal distress.

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