
In the present study we evaluated if a medial preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus lesion affects the olfactory preference toward soiled bedding from receptive females in comparison to bedding from anestrous females or clean bedding. In the second part of the study we evaluated the accessory olfactory system response to estrous bedding with Fos immunoreactivity to determine if the preoptic lesions modify the processing of sexually relevant olfactory cues. Before medial preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus lesions, male rats spent more time investigating estrous bedding as opposed to anestrous or clean bedding. After the lesion, subjects showed no preference between estrous and anestrous bedding; that is, males spent the same amount of time investigating both types of bedding. These two odors were investigated more than clean bedding. Increments in Fos immunoreactivity neurons were seen in structures of the accessory olfactory system after exposure to soiled estrous bedding [granular layer of the accessory olfactory bulb, anterior-dorsal medial amygdala, posterior–dorsal medial amygdala, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis]. These results suggest that bilateral destruction of the medial preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus modify male olfactory preference in such a way that subjects spend the same time smelling and investigating bedding from estrous and anestrous females. This change in olfactory preference is not associated with alterations in the processing of sexually relevant olfactory cues by the accessory olfactory system.

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