
This article is entitled “Oles Pardabaitak in Pakpak Ethnic: A Semiotics Study”. This study aims to (1). describe the motifs contained in the function of the pardabaitak of the Pakpak Batak ethnic group. (2). describe the function of the motifs contained in the oles pardabaitak of the Pakpak Batak ethnic group. (3). describe the symbol value of the motifs contained in the Pakpak Batak ethnic pardabaitak oles. The theory used in analyzing the data is theory of semiotics put forward by Charles Sanders Pierce. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research with structured interview observation. Based on the results of research and discussion, the author found that there are 7 forms motif values of kelang pajonggir, gerga, epen buaya, gatip dabbal, sirat, rambu, sisi. In addition, there are 10 equipment pamapan, lili, pagabe, baliga, totar, pangihunan, hatolungan, patibohonan, sorha, panaitan. And the value of motif found in this study id the value of social solidarity, mutual cooperation, courtesy, harmony, discipline, welfare and gratitude. Keywords: oles pardabaitak, sthnic batak pakpak,motif,semiotic.

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