
The proposed investigation outlines the conceptual constants of the sources of philosophy, poetics and artistic worldview of the author of «The Cathedral» and «Journey to the Madonna». Emphasis is placed on the need for a comprehensive study of O. Honchar’s «Diaries», which he kept from the time when he took part in World War II, namely – from 1943 until recently – 1995.The article focuses analytical attention on the understanding of the basic constants of Oles Honchar’s phenomenon, on the organic harmony of his worldview with the transcendental basis of the national Christocentric-Christ-following-Sophian tradition, which has existed for several millennia. In the culture of each nation there is always a constant interaction of spiritual and intellectual epochs. It often manifests itself quite unexpectedly in special points of contact, which are the semiospheres of some phenomenal personalities, which have a peculiar effect of multi-vector («past floats to future» – not accidental name of one of the leading researchers of Trypillia culture – Dokia Humenna) presence in national cultural transcendence. It is a spiritual and intellectual stay both in the conceptually delineated spheres of the future and in the spheres of the past, which determine the current movement of thought or could determine it under certain conditions. Such passionate personalities were realized in the discourse of the modern era. These figures are not only the defining units in the space of the national dimension of universal vilization. They always belong to several value-semantic fields at the same time. Even when they are identified in the mass consciousness at home and abroad only as spiritual visionaries, writers, poets, philosophers of a certain historical time. In the transcendent Ukrainian discourse, such iconic artists-thinkers include, first of all, Nestor the-Chronicler, Volodymyr Monomakh, Ivan Vyshensky, Hryhoriy Skovoroda, Mykola Hohol, Taras Shevchenko, Lesya Ukrainka, Vasyl Symonenko, Vasyl Stus. It is important to note that despite the favourable and unfavorable circumstances (and paradoxically – in unfavorable times – more of ten) the emergence of such individuals was inevitable. In accordance with the classic Tychyna’s «O land, geniuses of the family!» century there is literary and artistic Shot Renaissance of the 1920s and early 1930s. Spiritual and national revival of Ukraine is an indestructible concept. Oles Honchar’s «Diaries» is a bright representative of such a passionate type of universe of Ukrainian personality, who began to thoroughly and systematically comprehend the phenomenon of Ukraine during World War II, overcame the devastating totalitarian-russification pressure of Soviet times with the help of universal value-semantic constants and encourages large-scale and future-oriented thinking. Keywords: Oles Honchar, diaries, artist-thinker, worldview of Ukrainian Baroque, XX century.

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