
The olive belongs to Olea, a complex genus and to a species with six subspecies. Subsp. europaea includes both the cultivated olive and the oleaster, the wild ancestor of the olive. Little is known on the phenotype of fruits from subsp. cuspidata. We aimed to compare europaea and cuspidata trees for oil content and composition and to verify whether natural hybrids may exist between the two subspecies. Specimens were from Kenya and putative natural hybrids between cuspidata and europaea were from Stellenbosch (South Africa). Cultivar and oleaster trees were sampled in France (continental and Corsica), Italy (Continental and Sardinia) and Tunisia. We have examined the fruit (drupe) structure between subsp. cuspidata and europaea and extracted oil from the pulp, seed and total drupe. Comparison for oil content was made between the cultivated olive and the oleaster and some cuspidata trees from Kenya. A few of cuspidata individuals from Botanical gardens do not enable phenotyping for oil content and composition. Oil composition analyses were performed for the main fatty acids to compare the three taxa. We used microsatellite markers at 11 loci to compute genetic distances between cuspidata, oleaster and cultivar trees and to reveal eventual hybrids. The SSR polymorphisms were huge between the two subspecies and they revealed that putative hybrids were true hybrids sampled around olive orchards. The whole comparison of oil content shows that olive cultivars display higher oil content than the subsp. cuspidata and that the oleaster trees are intermediate, whereas for oil composition of the drupe, cuspidata from Kenya shows less oleic acid than europaea. However, the cuspidata trees show seed oil composition similarities with the other two taxa. The discussion deals with possible reasons to explain the differences and of the possible uses of these taxa for breeding both the olive and brown olive.

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