
Abstract This chapter aims to bring attention to some of the constraints older women face in their leisure and tourism pursuits. Being female and an older adult makes the leisure experiences of older women complex; fighting against not only patriarchal views of the world, but also the ageist stereotypes that say this is who older women are and how they should act. The chapter explains how several sexist and ageist discourses contribute to older women's understandings of what activities are appropriate and accessible to them. Using a lens of intersectionality allows for the complexity of older women's leisure and tourism experiences to be more thoroughly explained by accounting for multiple social identities. The homogenizing and oppressive nature of patriarchal views, like body image, ethic of care, and ageism, are suppressive of the possible identities and full range of leisure opportunities available to older women. As the general population continues to age, a better understanding of the complexities of older women's experiences becomes imperative. This chapter also provides ideas for how the leisure and tourism communities can begin to correct the missteps currently happening in our fields.

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