
Background: Domestic violence is a global public health issue, as it is in Brazil. The psychological violence is one of the most prevalent forms of domestic violence, affecting more women than men. However, many older adults do not consider it as a type of domestic violence. In addiction, psychological violence has received little attention from researchers. So, this study aims to further understand the phenomenon of psychological domestic violence perpetrated by relatives against older adult women (60 years and older). Methods A qualitative study was conducted using a social phenomenological approach proposed by Alfred Schütz. In-depth interviews were conducted with 11 older Brazilian women from three different agencies, two in Campina Grande and one in São Bernardo do Campo. Data collection took place between November 2012 and February 2013. We performed data analysis using the key concepts (such as the world of everyday life, natural attitude, intersubjetivity, stock of knowledge, biographical situation, social action, motivation and typification) proposed by Alfred Schutz. Results Despite the fact that participants reported being psychologically abused, they also referred to being neglected and financially abused. They revealed being threatened, disrespected, neglected, financially abused, forced to do housework, and humiliated. Older women expressed feelings of sadness, anger, grief, and fear, which had negative effects on their health. Attempts by the participants to change their current situations were unsuccessful and resulted in feelings of helplessness. The abuser’s behaviour will change, and leaving the abusive situation were two possible outcomes pointed for participants. Conclusions A support network is crucial to help changing the behaviour of aggressors and/or to help older adult women leave the abusive situation. Further research is needed to understand the risk factors linked to abuse behaviours, to develop educational programs for the abusers, and to design social support for the victims.


  • Domestic violence is a global public health issue, as it is in Brazil

  • Theme 1: Context of the violence The context of the violence involves the participants’ daily life and actions. This theme is divided into three subthemes: manifestations of the violence; the impact of psychological violence on the participants; and the responses of the older women to violence

  • Subtheme 1.1: Manifestations of the violence The interviews revealed that the participants were threatened through verbal and non-verbal actions by the family members who used hurtful words and humiliating situations, and imposed their wishes upon the older women, disregarding the victims’ wishes and preferred habits

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Domestic violence is a global public health issue, as it is in Brazil. The psychological violence is one of the most prevalent forms of domestic violence, affecting more women than men. In Brazil, two studies [4, 5] have analysed the prevalence of physical violence against older men and women in small towns: Camaragibe, Pernambuco [6] with 144,466 inhabitants [4]; and Niterói, Rio de Janeiro [7] with a population of 487,562 [4]. (with sample sizes of 315 and 343 subjects respectively) reported that the prevalence of physical domestic violence against older adults was about 10% [6–7] This results indicate that the prevalence found in these Brazilian studies is high when compared with 2.2% in Ireland [8] and 2.6% in United Kingdom [9]. They are low when compared with 18.4% in Israel, with 21.4% in Hong Kong [9] and a range from 13.9% to 25.8% in Chinese older adults living in the Greater Chicago area [11]

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