
CATALOGUES have recently been issued by E. Weil, of 28 Litchfield Way, London, N.W.ll (No. 8, Alchemy Chemistry and Psychology) ; and Herbert Reiciner East 62nd St., New York, 21 (Literature, History, Art, Law and Science). The former some three hundred works, many of which are ot importance in the history of science, and some of great rarity. Among them may be mentioned works by Tycho Brahe ; Robert Boyle, including one bearing an inscription suggesting former ownership by Robert Hooke ; and a number of original editions of the writings of S. Freud. Other outstanding items are copies of William Withering's “An Account of the Foxglove, and some of its Medical Uses” ; a fine copy of an early edition of the “Margarita Philoso-phica” of Gregorius Reisch ; and an almost perfect copy of Elias Ashmole's “Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum”.

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