
This article undertakes the first systematic examination of Frank’s (1979, 1981, 1987, 1990, 2007b, 2008) claim that Old Norse influence is discernible in the language ofBeowulf. It tests this hypothesis first by scrutinizing each of the alleged Nordicisms inBeowulf, then by discussing various theoretical considerations bearing on its plausibility. We demonstrate that the syntactic, morphological, lexical, and semantic peculiarities that Frank would explain as manifestations of Old Norse influence are more economically and holistically explained as consequences of archaic composition. We then demonstrate that advances in the study of Anglo-Scandinavian language contact provide strong reasons to doubt that Old Norse could have influencedBeowulfin the manner that Frank has proposed. We conclude thatBeowulfis entirely devoid of Old Norse influence and that it was probably composed ca. 700, long before the onset of the Viking Age.

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