
The gross anatomy of the forearm flexors, particularly that of the flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) muscle, has been described and graphically illustrated in several anatomical books and atlases starting in the middle of the century before last. However, in anatomical dissection studies as well as in clinical-anatomical courses training muscle-specific targeted injections due to movement disorders such as dystonia or spasticity, it has become apparent that there is a need for a closer investigation of the complex construction of the FDS muscle. To this end, we studied the structure of the muscle bellies and tendons of FDS on 46 human body donates that have been used either in our dissection or clinical-anatomical training courses. With this, we demonstrate here the topographical configuration of the individual muscle belly for each of digits 2 through 5 and the exact paths of their tendons until their passing through the carpal tunnel. Furthermore, we demonstrate the presence of a chiasm of the FDS tendons for the digits 2 and 3, approximately 3–4 cm proximal of the carpal tunnel. Thus, we introduce herewith the terminology “chiasma antebrachii”. These findings were confirmed in situ by imaging of fixed human body donates via MRI and corroborated by MRI and ultrasound imaging in two volunteers. Taken together, the present findings enable an updated understanding of the complex organization of the heads, bellies, and tendons of FDS that is relevant not only for anatomical teaching but also clinical interventions.

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