
Cyanobacterial mats supplanting coral and spreading coral diseases in tropical reefs, intensified by environmental shifts caused by human-induced pressures, nutrient enrichment, and global climate change, pose grave risks to the survival of coral ecosystems. In this study, we characterized Okeanomitos corallinicola gen. and sp. nov., a newly discovered toxic marine heterocyte-forming cyanobacterium isolated from a coral reef ecosystem of the South China Sea. Phylogenetic analysis, based on the 16S rRNA gene and the secondary structure of the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic region, placed this species in a clade distinct from closely related genera, that is, Sphaerospermopsis stricto sensu, Raphidiopsis, and Amphiheterocytum. The O. corallinicola is a marine benthic species lacking gas vesicles, distinguishing it from other members of the Aphanizomenonaceae family. The genome of O. corallinicola is large and exhibits diverse functional capabilities, potentially contributing to the resilience and adaptability of coral reef ecosystems. Invitro assays revealed that O. corallinicola demonstrates notable cytotoxic activity against various cancer cell lines, suggesting its potential as a source of novel anticancer compounds. Furthermore, the identification of residual saxitoxin biosynthesis function in the genome of O. corallinicola, a marine cyanobacteria, supports the theory that saxitoxin genes in cyanobacteria and dinoflagellates may have been horizontally transferred between them or may have originated from a shared ancestor. Overall, the identification and characterization of O. corallinicola provides valuable contributions to cyanobacterial taxonomy, offering novel perspectives on complex interactions within coral reef ecosystems.

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